Tuesday 23 October 2018

Does immigration strengthen or undermine tolerance?

Read the following essay: https://www.economist.com/open-future/2018/09/10/does-immigration-strengthen-or-undermine-tolerance

The author is an 18 year old who entered The Economist's Open Future essay competition - the task was to write an essay to the question “Does immigration strengthen or undermine tolerance?” .

Write your own essay to the above question (no more than 1,500) and send to me. I would love to see your ideas on this powerful and, at times, controversial question.

Promoting British values: respect and tolerance

Read this BBC article on guidance for schools to do more to promote British values:

Do you think Waingels promotes British values? What examples can you think of from your time at school when you have been taught, or shown, about tolerance and respect? What do you think we could do to meet these guidelines further?

Email me your ideas!

Honduras migrant caravan

As some of you will know (and be sick of hearing!), I lived in Honduras a few years ago. Honduras is currently in the news worldwide due to the 'human caravan' attempting to make its way from Honduras, through Guatemala and Mexico, to the USA.

I have really enjoyed reading your comments from the first two posts on this blog, so lets have some more discussion and share your ideas to these questions in the comments:

1. In your opinion, why are the migrants attempting to leave their country and get to the USA?
2. In your opinion, is this the correct was for these people to seek a better standard of living?
3. President Trump has said that in response, the USA will cut aid to Honduras. Do you think this is the right way to respond? If not, how else should the USA deal with this situation?

What is a refugee?

Task 1. 

Research and write an explanation of what an asylum seeker and a refugee is - what is the difference between the two terms?

Task 2. 
Write an expectation of which countries accept the most refugees - think about spatial patterns (which continents will have the most) and development patterns (ACs, LIDCs etc.).

Now that you have written down what you expect to find, do some research on global refugee patterns and which countries are home to the most refugees. What did you find? Was it what you expected?

Task 3. 
Use https://www.worldvision.org/refugees-news-stories/syrian-refugee-crisis-facts and your own research to investigate the Syrian refugee crisis. Is there anything we could do as a school to show our empathy for the plight of Syrian refugees?