Sunday 10 September 2017

Treatment of illegal immigrants

Welcome to this MOOC on immigration and tolerance.

This issue has never been more relevant than at present, as the UK moves towards leaving the EU, amidst a climate of intolerance towards migrants.

Particularly, there is a significant focus, by certain news outlets, on illegal immigrants and the problems they bring to the UK. However, once they are found to be living in the UK illegally little is known about their experience. Does anyone care? Should we care?

Watch the Panorama documentary, ‘Undercover: Britain’s Immigration Secrets’, on BBC iPlayer -

Once you have watched the documentary, write brief answers to the following questions:

1.       Do you think the treatment of the detainees in Brook House is fair?

2.       Why do you think many of the staff at Brook House treat the detainees as they do?

3.       Does the treatment of the detainees in Brook House reflect how our society as a whole view immigrants in this country?

4.       Do you agree with the whistle-blower’s decision to film people secretly and make his footage public? How will this affect the people involved? Is it fair on them?