Monday 6 November 2017

Watch the following short clip:

Choose one of the following tasks:

1. Write a letter to Theresa May outlining why the views expressed in the clip are unacceptable and persuade the government to implement a campaign to promote acceptable and tolerance of immigrants.


2. Create a campaign poster that promotes British values and tolerance of immigrants.


  1. Dear Mrs May,
    I am writing to you to bring to your attention the crisis that is currently facing our country due to the rise in racism since the recent Brexit vote. It was recorded by the University of Cardiff that there has been a rise in race hate in counties that voted leave. This is absolutely unacceptable, and we should be ashamed as a country that nothing is being done to tackle this issue. Migrants bring key attributes to our countries that allow us to improve our society. They allow us to understand and appreciate other cultures and languages. We can then adopt their values that could allow our population to develop and become better citizens. As well as this, they allow our country to improve economically, as we will have a stronger work force. This also reduces unemployment globally improving the global economy.
    That is why it is crucial for this country to break down the negative stereotypes and stigmas that the British people have towards these people. My proposal is for a nationwide campaign in schools and in workplaces as they are common places for this prejudice to occur. It is key for people to understand that migrants are only attracted to the UK in order work or learn which will only benefit the country. By explaining this in schools it will stop this prejudice at a very young age, stopping future racism, and also by explaining this in the workplace it will deter workplace racism and allow migrants to feel comfortable and safe in our country, attracting more to the UK.
    Yours Sincerely,
    Jessica Kent

  2. Dear Mrs May

    I am writing to you to bring attention that the violence and hate that goes on a daily basis towards immigrants who have done nothing wrong and have moved here just to live a better life and live somewhere different to where they lived before. The way that some of these racist people in Britain are creating a bad image and making it seem like all people In Britain don't like immigrants and think that they're only bringing trouble and Making the UK worse. This is one reason you should actually implement a campaign to promote acceptance and tolerance to immigrants and maybe change the ideas of some of these hateful people in the UK as some of them believe they just come here to take our jobs and overpower the people born here. Whereas they're here to live their life just as normally as we do and sometimes they're moving from war-torn places and places which have horrendous living conditions and living standards in the seeking of a new and better life. This is why this campaign should happen as many don't see the basic reasons as to why they move here for a better life. It would raise much needed awareness and would help stop the amount of hate crime going on in the UK at this time and would help make life better for those immigrants who move to come to the United Kingdom. Not only boosting our economy as recent statistics have shown how useful and helpful they are for thriving economies like ours in the UK.
    Ethan Irish

  3. Dear Mrs May

    I am writing to inform you about the rise in hate crime in the UK since the country has voted to leave the European Union. Since the vote, it appears that more and more English people are partaking in physical violence and assault towards the immigrant community. Obviously the country voting Leave is just something that has occurred through democracy and people’s right to vote, and Brexit is not what I wish to talk about. I wanted to bring your attention to an issue that cannot go unnoticed.

    It is clear that many of the immigrants in our country are productive members of society and are willing to work and be a productive member of the community and economy. Some are even in their teens and are barely adults, yet one Polish youth and his brother have recently been attacked on the streets of Dudley, Birmingham. Hate crime would be unacceptable to any immigrant, even if they did happen to be unemployed and not contributing to the economy, never mind these people who have done no wrong and legally entered the country. This issue must be resolved or it will only get worse. I find it almost embarrassing that other Brits are treating foreign people in such ways.

    In order to resolve this I think that children should be taught in schools that people of all races deserve respect and must be accepted. Also, I would be all for companies giving perhaps an hour or so of their schedule to reinforce their values amongst their employees, so that they are clear that if they do choose to be racist to anyone in the workplace, it won’t be accepted. A campaign which involved such things I believe would help the situation in the country, at least to some extent.

    Thank you for taking the time to read.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Thomas Mahoney

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dear Mrs May

    I am writing to you to express my concerns about the hate crimes taken place across the UK, which has become even more prominent since the Brexit referendum. Many people see the result of leave making hate crime to be acceptable now. It's never acceptable.

    A lot more needs to be done about racism in the UK. No one should live in terror which is the case for many immigrants in the UK. There needs to be more education on the tolerance of immigrants in schools. If they can be educated like this before they can pick up on racist views, a new generation who tolerate immigrants could be created. I think the stereotype of immigrants "come and take our jobs" needs to be crushed, at most this is the case for a small minority but it is an idea preached by many Leave voters. I hope you take the time to read this and I hope this will lead to the implementation of a campaign to promote acceptable and tolerance of immigrants.

    Yours Sincerely,

    Marc Osborn
